1) Me: I have swine flu. I have all the symptoms.
Emilie (my sister): You don't have swine flu.
Me: Are you sure?
Emilie: Well I can't be sure of anything. Go to bed.
2) Me: I have swine flu. I have all the symptoms.
Dave: You don't have swine flu. *statistics that made me feel better*
3) Me: I have swine flu. Stay away from me.
Olivia: OH MY GOD YOU HAVE SWINE FLU. I probably have it to. We have to go to the doctor tomorrow. *freaks out about ramen we shared earlier*
I honestly think that two nights ago was one of the worst nights of my life. I don't know how I can be this crazy, but somehow I really did convince myself that I was dying of the swine and I spent the first half of the night in this weird restless half-awake state and the second half of the night watching dvds. When I woke up in the morning and realized I felt totally better, it was still sad to realize how insane I was. I also had extremely curious dreams, first that I had to be some kind of model and second that there was a fluffy blue bird with a long tail running around somewhere and we were trying to find it.
So last night we all went out--me, Jake, his friend, Livs, Gloria, her boyfriend, Dave, Kenny and his friends and Colin (all Canadian and American law students) and it kind of sucked. I wasn't even supposed to go out but I was supposed to meet my friend Dave who is in Amsterdam (although I stupidly didn't give him my phone number and we couldn't get in touch). In the beginning it was good--good company (hilarious--at one point Jake and his friend bust out a wolf mask and bandana):

So we're having good times. But halfway through a relaxing drink at the theater-bar we go to in Leidseplein, we're informed that there is a fire and everyone has to evacuate. It's pouring. There is a large canopy in front of the theater, but for some gd reason I am not allowed to stand under there. So a bunch of us are standing under the pouring rain while a couple of us are STILL INSIDE. As soon as I saw that like half the bar was inside, I reasoned that the rationale for not letting me stand under the canopy (quick evacuation, no blocking of the exits, etc.) had vanished. But every time I tried to sneak back under the canopy for a little coverage, I get someone literally taking my arm to push me back out and a disapproving "Frau..." or "Get out."
I wanted to cut these people from ear to ear. There was NO REASON why I, arguably a recovering swine flu victim (I know), could not stand underneath the canopy when there were still tons of people in the bar itself. Further, the first time I tried to come back under the canopy was in good faith, as I was trying to put my jacket over my head in preparation for observance of their stupid rule. This, of course, was not allowed. The situation was absolutely unacceptable. Should I have caught pneumonia last night, well...I am rational enough to realize that I would have no legal case against them. Fine. But was there even a fire? Methinks no--while there were like four policemen, there was not a single fire truck to be seen. Nor a single fireman. I was pissed by this point--did NOT enjoy being manhandled by unfriendly popo. Was pissed at myself for not giving my number to my friend. Was pissed that we couldn't stay in the lovely theater. All anger went to the Dutch government. I no longer wanted to support the tourist industry as manifested in Leidseplein.
Nevertheless, I joined in going in the rain to another bar that was literally filled to the tipping point. We left. Afterwards, we went to a coffee shop to wait the rain out. The rain didn't stop. The coffeeshop was entertaining because Jake's friend is a character--kind of funny in a mean way and was talking about how he wouldn't want to date us because we aren't blond. When we left, we tried to decide where to go. Livs didn't want to go dancing (the only thing I'd be willing to stay out for) so I left my bike in Leidseplein and we went home. We ate burger king and I fell asleep in bed while we watched Le Divorce. It was wonderful and I forgot about my grudge against the Dutch popo. Until I wrote this entry.
This morning I had to go back to get my bike. All these tourists asked me for directions, which is bizarre. I didn't know what I was doing but I liked being asked for directions. My mood improved instantly. I assumed the role of seasoned resident with gusto and directed a bunch of tourists in probably the wrong direction.
There were cool boat races in the canals on Nassaukade.
when i first moved here, I THOUGHT I HAD SWINE FLU TOO. that's why nobody saw me for the first week of school. it was the worst sickness i ever had. i had such a strong painful fever that i was wandering around my halls delirious, scaring my floormates. i didn't eat a single meal from Monday morning to Thursday night, because i was too weak to cook or even make it to the grocery store or pharmacy. it was horrible, horrible, horrible.
but swine flu isn't necessarily that bad. i know somebody that wrote their bar ads while having swine flu...
Are you feeling better? So this reminds me a lot of the time I thought I was dying and then realized I was just crazy in the head, and sadly decided that might be just as bad. The good news is I did nothing about it and now I'm being back to happy as a clam. You sound happy as a clam, too. So I guess you don't have swine flu nor are you crazy, or at least neither is affecting all your glorious awesomeness. Keep it up. Also, have I mentioned that I really really like your blog?
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