She is also block-mate, wonderful person, and pocket extraordinaire. She enjoys saving the environment, her new dog Walter, Chambord, and inappropriate dance parties. Check out her post about water resources as they relate to the climate problem at this link, which you must copy and paste into your web browser as I cannot figure out how to create a link. (If anyone knows how to do this please tell me).
Stay tuned for the life and style of Becky as she grows from a wee urchin to a passionate woman, saving the world one blog post at a time. But first I have exams.
Are you trying to get us all to stalk the famous RJH to cover up for the fact you haven't written in three whole days? Not sure that's gonna work; I already stalk Becky in addition to you.
Good look on exams!
yeah caught me.
K so seriously, it's been 12 days since your last post and I'm pretty sure midterms are over. What, are you trying to take after me, just teasing all your superfans with bursts of blog activity only to disappear again for another year or two? Please, no. I neeeeeed you!
I'm still waiting for my photo essay.
It is useful to try everything in practise anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)
I'm still waiting for your childhood photos you were supposed to submit like years ago.
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