Friday, May 28, 2010

Man I hated children's choir

So I came across this letter that I wrote to my dad when I was 9? 10? Not totally sure because there's no date. I think it's really funny - SUCH a little brat. Oh, erm, Children's choir was this thing at our church in Ras Tanura (the smaller compound we lived in in Saudi before we moved to Dhahran) where we had to sing such songs as "Doubting Thomas" and that "Yes Lord I will come and follow you" song. We also had to wear really stupid looking blue and white robes. I hated it with a burning passion. I had to sing AND play the piano which I remember thinking was brutally unfair. It was also on during the one good show that came on all friggin week. Mr. Martin was a family friend, my teacher, and the head of Children's Choir. So naturally I was pushed into Children's Choir against my will and forced to play the piano because I was asian. But actually he was really the nicest man and is one of those great teachers you always remember.


I asked Mr. Martin today if I have to come to Children's Choir any more. He was very manipulative and said, "Sure, why not?" Well, I was shocked and offended when he didn't let me answer. I do not think it is fair that other people get a choice to what they want to do and I don't. Mr. M. thinks he can run my life just because he is my teacher for 2 measly subjects. I suggest that you either call that man up and give him a piece of your mind and or forbid me to go to C.C. And So I leave it up to you, as my father, was it right to manipulate a young vulnerable child, to brainwash her? I think not. It is up to you. Do you want to base your decisions on a loudmouth? An imposer? A manipulative man? NO! And so, I trust you to make this decision rightly, by picking my side of course so that I can watch Christy.

So my favourite part is that last line where I clearly went to all this trouble just so I could stay at home and watch Christy. Also that I clearly had just learned the word "manipulative." Needless to say, I remained in Children's Choir.


Emily said...

I am fairly certain that you wrote this letter last week. It has 25 year old Theresa Chan written all over it.

Unknown said...

Hahaha, I second Em's comment. I can't see much change in the 25 year old Theresa.

Pod said...

hahahah i really want to see if i can find the wheedling letter i wrote to the tooth fairy.

Pod said...
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