Monday, April 9, 2007

Ryan Gosling is Beautiful--this blog is a work in progress.

That is all. And even though he was wearing skinny jeans that were not in the least bit flattering on the Ellen show whilst sporting facial hair (which few can pull off), he is still offensively hot. Anonymous, when are we going to see "Fracture"?

Some attractive people and not in any particular order:

1) Takeshi Kaneshiro--house of flying daggers. Can really pull off long ponytails. An example of the beauty that can result from a loving relationship between the chinese and japanese. A love-spawn of cultural compassion and an emblem of global understanding. hot.
2) Jake Gyllenhaal--the tips of the mouth kind of twitch and the soft-spokeness is just really hot.
3) Jonathan Togo--looks like jake gyllenhaal? Can't pinpoint attractiveness factor.
4) Taylor Hanson--there really aren't any words to describe a hotness of this magnitude. It feels wrong even to include this on the list, as hotness far surpasses that of anyone else. Is uncomfortable, is what it is.
5) Mark Ruffalo. Soft-spoken-ness
6) Jeff Goldblum. twitchy lips and that soft-spoken-ness.
7) Jon Stewert.
8) Topher Grace.
9) Channing Tatum. From such classic features as "Step Up" and "She's the Man". Bad actor but seriously hot.
10) Seth Meyers
11) Christian Bale in "Little Women".
12) Adrian Grenier
13) John Krasinski from The Office.

People who would maybe not necessarily be considered as attractive but in whom I see a little som-in' som-in':
1) John Goodman, the dad from Roseanne. What? He's manly, ok?
2) The dad from Home Alone. Not sure why.
3) Jim Bellushi, from that show on abc. same reason as john goodman.


Cathy said...

who is that? and how come the like seven times i've tried to comment on your previous post I havent been able to?!

Becky said...

i mean, that's true, but i feel a little bit cheated by this itty bitty post, you tease.

Anonymous said...

you forgot john cusack and david duchovny - in case anyone is keeping count